“If one cannot enjoy reading a book over and over again, there is no use in reading it at all.”
― Oscar Wilde
― Oscar Wilde
Hi. I'm Vic, 41, Welsh and a book lover.
I have been a book 'worm' for as long as I can remember. At primary school I remember we used to get given books as 'homework' which we should read and take back the next week. I usually took mine back the next day!
Nothing much has changed, if a book truly grips me I will read it in a couple of days, I've been known to start and finish books on the same day if I have the time to sit and read.
Reading is definitely a form of escapism for me, I write sometimes myself as a hobby, and think there is nothing more therapeutic than to immerse yourself in another world.
I started this blog as I was starting to annoy my family and friends by going on, and on about books that I had read. You would have thought they'd be used to me by now..... sadly not.
I never know when to shut up about books ;)
I owe the title of this blog to a really good friend of mine. I was really struggling, and I had no idea there were already so many brilliant book blogs (and bloggers) out there. I always used to want to be a librarian when I was little, and I if I ever get rich... I want a house big enough for my own library.
There I've said it, I want my own library.
Well a girl can dream, can't she?
You can follow me on Twitter @WelshLibrarian or contact me by email.