Friday, 25 July 2014

Review: Autobiography Of Us by Aria Beth Sloss

Autobiography Of Us by Aria Beth Sloss
Release date: 3 July 2014
Rating: ****
Back cover blurb:
Coming of age in early 1960s suburban California, Rebecca Madden and her beautiful, reckless best friend Alex dream of lives beyond their mothers' narrow expectations. As teenagers they are inseparable. But then, one sweltering evening the summer before their college graduation, a single act of betrayal changes everything . . . Decades later, Rebecca's haunting confession reveals the truth about that night, the years that followed, and the friendship that defined her.

When I received Autobiography of Us in the post, I'll be honest, I wasn't sure what to expect. From the outset I'll admit, it did look to be more than just 'chick lit', but I wasn't necessarily convinced that it would be my kind of book. 
I do, however, try to never judge a book by its cover, so it went fairly near to the top of my 'to be read' pile (which is in release date order... sort of).

I finally got around to picking it up last Sunday. It was a glorious sunny afternoon here in Wales and I thought it would be the perfect accompaniment. I wasn't wrong.

We meet Rebecca Madden our protagonist in her freshman year homeroom. Alex Carrington is being introduced to the class. Beautiful, popular and rich, she is eveything that Rebecca thinks she isn't. They soon become fast friends, 'Blood Sisters' in fact.

Rebecca is often in awe of her beautiful friend, who's dream is to become an actress. Rebecca, wants to study medicine. But this is the fifties, and unfortunately quite often what women want, and what they actually get are two very different things.

Their friendship goes from strength to strength until the pair go to a wedding together with some of their other close friends. Rebecca is unused to drinking, and the heady mix of alcohol and male attention makes her behave in a way she would never normally dream of. Resulting in devastating consequences for her and those around her.

Can Alex and Rebecca's friendship survive? Well you will have to give the novel a read to find out. Lets just say I wasn't anticipating the outcome of the novel.

 Autobiography of Us is available to buy now from Amazon online and all good book shops.
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Thank you to the publishers who sent me a copy of the novel in exchange for an honest review.

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