Friday, 8 January 2016

Review: The Widow by Fiona Barton

The Widow by Fiona Barton
Publisher: Bantam Press
Release date: 14 January 2016
Rating: *** and a half
Back cover blurb: We've all seen him: the man - the monster - staring from the front page of every newspaper, accused of a terrible crime. But what about her: the woman who grips his arm on the courtroom stairs – the wife who stands by him? Jean Taylor’s life was blissfully ordinary. Nice house, nice husband. Glen was all she’d ever wanted: her Prince Charming. Until he became that man accused, that monster on the front page. Jean was married to a man everyone thought capable of unimaginable evil. But now Glen is dead and she’s alone for the first time, free to tell her story on her own terms. Jean Taylor is going to tell us what she knows.

The Widow is Fiona Barton's debut novel, but you wouldn't know...

Jean (or Jeanie) Taylor is a widow, her husband recently run over by a bus on a busy main road. But that isn't why she has reporters camped outside her door...

Jean's late husband, Glen Taylor was under the scrutiny of the police for the disappearance and suspected murder of Bella Elliott. Detective Bob Sparkes was about to re-arrest Glen when he learned of his death.

Jean has to decide whether she wants to tell her side of the story and get rid of the reporters once and for all.

The Widow is told through the perspective of several narrators, The Widow - Jean Taylor, The Husband - Glen Taylor, The Reporter - Kate Waters,  The Detective - Bob Sparkes and The Mother - Dawn Elliott.

This novel is a fascinating insight into the woman behind the accused.

We've all seen those women on TV standing beside or just behind their men outside the court when they are accused of hideous crimes. You often wonder if they knew? How could they not? Fiona Barton has really explored this and written an interesting novel.

From the beginning I was waiting for a big twist, possibly because the book is being described as a psychological thriller, as an avid reader of such novels.

I'm not sure it fits this description.

There is plenty explored from the psychological perspective, but it isn't a fast faced thriller. More of an in-depth exploration of the ultimate dysfunctional marriage, people's obsessions and how this affects those around them.

The Widow is sure to be a big hit and I look forward to Fiona Barton's next.

The Widow is available from 14 January 2016.
You can pre-order it now from Amazon online and Transworld Publishers

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Thank you to the publisher who approved my request via netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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