Tuesday 20 December 2022

Review - the Prisoner by B.A. Paris

The Prisoner by B.A. Paris
Hodder & Stoughton
Release date: 3 November 2022
Back cover blurb: THEN. Amelie has always been a survivor, from losing her parents as a child in Paris to making it on her own in London. As she builds a career for herself in the magazine industry, she meets, and agrees to marry, Ned Hawthorne. NOW. Amelie wakes up in a pitch-black room, not knowing where she is. Why has she been taken? Who are her mysterious captors? And why does she soon feel safer here, imprisoned, than she had begun to feel with her husband Ned? In true B.A. Paris style, The Prisoner is a gripping survival story, a twisted tale of love and at its dark heart a thriller to keep you up all night.

The Prisoner opens with an unknown narrator detailing their plight. 

Amelie Lamont was orphaned by the age of 16, and forced due to circumstances beyond her control to move to London and find her own way in life. Young as she was. she was determined to create her own path.

After a rocky start Amelie finds herself a good group of friends who take her under their wings and begin to nurture her and bring her out of her shell. Their lifestyle is unlike any she has known before.

It is via these friends that she first meets Ned Hawthorne, highly eligible (and wealthy) bachelor. At first she thinks nothing of their encounter, but as she is drawn more into her friends glamourous world, Ned puts to her an offer she simply can't refuse.

That split decision is the beginning of a nightmare for Amelie. She barely knows Ned, but is about to find out a lot more about him than she bargained for, what she discovers will put all of their lives in danger.

I don't want to say too much more, as I will risk giving something away...

One thing I enjoy about B.A. Paris' books is that they all have a slightly different feel to them, and usually a unique storyline. 

I've read a fair few of this authors books now and usually they don't disappoint, and whilst I still enjoyed this one, for me it just wasn't as good as the others. Possibly because I found a few points a little far fetched.

The Prison is available now via Amazon online and all good book shops.

Thank You to the publishers who approved my request via netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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