Tuesday 14 May 2024

Review - Girl Friends by Alex Dahl

Girl Friends by Alex Dahl
Publisher: Head of Zeus
Release date: 11 April 2024
Back cover blurb: You think you met her by chance. You're wrong. Charlotte has it all: the successful career, the loving family. But, secretly, she is dangerously bored of her life. When she meets free-spirited Bianka, it feels like fate – Bianka is exactly the person that Charlotte needs. They escape to Ibiza where Charlotte dives head first into a life that is looser, wilder. But the holiday soon spirals out of control with fatal consequences. As the aftermath of the trip ricochets disastrously through her life, Charlotte begins to regret breaking out of her carefully constructed life. And soon, she will question whether meeting Bianka was really an accident – or something much more calculated . . .

Would you kill for love?

Charlotte has everything, a successful career, loving family, beautiful home. She doesn't think that she is lacking anything, until she meets Bianka.

When Bianka arrives in to Charlotte's life in a whirlwind, Charlotte realises that she can't live without this woman in her life.

Much to her other friends' annoyance ands skepticism Charlotte invites Bianka on their already planned holiday to her ancestral family home in Ibiza. 

Charlotte and Bianka bond and become more than just friends quicker than anyone could imagine. It's a dangerous relationship...

But Charlotte doesn't realise just how dangerous until she is in too deep.

The hedonistic setting of Ibiza is ideal for the darkness of what unfolds.

I really liked how the Norwegian families were linked even after moving to London. Their community was already close, and clearly skeptical when Bianka and her husband arrived. With good reason! 

I can't say too much more without spoiling this for others, it was, overall, an enjoyable read.

However, if I'm totally honest, this book left me with mixed feelings. 

It explores toxic relationships brilliantly but doesn't really have a satisfying or believable ending. With Charlotte ultimately becoming just as unhinged as Bianka.

Girl Friends is available now via Amazon online and all good book shops.

Thank You to the publishers who approved my request via netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

x Vicky-Leigh x

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