Wednesday 22 May 2024

Review - Meet Me When My Heart Stops by Becky Hunter

Meet Me When My Heart Stops by Becky Hunter
Publisher: Atlantic Books
Release date: 21 March 2024
Back cover blurb: What if your soulmate could only ever be the love of your afterlife? Emery is born with a heart condition that means her heart could quite literally stop at any moment. The people around her know what to do - if they act quickly enough there will be no lasting damage, and Emery's heart can be restarted. But when this happens, she is briefly technically dead. Each time Emery's heart stops, she meets Nick. His purpose is to help people adjust to the fact that they are dead, to help them say goodbye, before they move on entirely. He does not usually meet people more than once - but with Emery, he is able to make a connection, and he finds himself drawn to her. As Emery's life progresses, and she goes through ups and downs, she finds that a part of her is longing for those moments when her heart will stop - so that she can see Nick again. This is the story of two fated lovers who long for each other, but are destined never to share more than a few fleeting moments - because if they were to be together, it would mean the end of Emery's life.

Emery is just five years old when she dies for the first time, and meets Nick. 

Who is he?

Is she on her way to the afterlife? Heaven? Who knows?

Luckily Emery's life is saved by the quick reactions of those around her, and after a frantic trip to the hospital and an agonising wait, Emery is diagnosed with a heart condition.

Her heart can literally stop at any moment. Her family are shocked, quickly learning what to do should it happen again, and wrapping Emery in cotton wool.

The 2nd time she meets Nick, she is approaching adolescence and deciding if she wants to have a crush on her best friend Bonnie's older brother Colin.

It's a shock to everyone as it has been so long since the first time it happened, and it makes her family and friends even more protective of her.

Bonnie and Colin are constants in Emery's life, as is her sister Amber, and of course Nick.

There are multiple episodes of Emery's condition taking hold, and each time she wonders if it will be her last.

Every time she meets Nick, she feels more for him, and as she grows older, she realises that she loves him, and wonders if he is the one she is truly looking for, as she seems to struggle so much with relationships in the 'real' world.

Emery lives long enough to have to make the ultimate decision, should she take the breakthrough drug that could 'fix' her condition and live life to the full with her friends and family, or should she seek happiness forever with Nick?

Meet Me When My Heart Stops is a beautifully written, original novel that left me a bit bereft when I finished it. I can't wait for this authors next!

Meet Me When My Heart Stops is available now via Amazon online and all good book shops.

Thank You to the publishers who approved my request via netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

x Vicky-Leigh x

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