Monday, 10 March 2014

Red Network Event: How to get published

Yesterday was a day of 'firsts' for me.

It was the first time I'd attended a literature festival (shocking I know!), it was the first time I'd been in a room full of writers, and it was the first time I that I actually answered the question 'are you writing a book?' honestly.

The answer to that question is 'Yes' and the exact reason that I found myself at the Red event. Well that and the fact that my favourite author, Adele Parks was one of the guest speakers...

The setting for the event was the elegant Francis hotel, and the event itself part of Bath's annual Literature festival (I have already put a note in my diary for next year).

The aforementioned best-selling author Adele Parks was joined by literary agent Cathryn Summerhayes and publisher Karen Duffy. The panel were quizzed for 40 minutes or so by Red magazine's Sarah Tomczak, during which time they covered everything from word-count worry to twitter etiquette, before answering questions from the floor.

Adele, Cathryn and Karen all stayed behind after to answer any individual questions, sign books etc. which I thought was a nice touch. It was wonderful for me personally to finally get to say 'Hi' to Adele, and she has inspired me to try and set some time aside every day purely for writing.

I'm so pleased that I attended the event, I thought it was well organised and extremely informative. I made plenty of notes during the chat, and I know I'm not the only one in the audience who did.

Key points that I took from the day were;
  • Know your market
  • Don't think too much/care too much about what others are writing
  • Know your characters inside out
  • Know your ending. Every word will count if you know where you are going
  • Get someone you know to read your writing and ask them to be critical
  • If you don't think your work is ready - it's not!
  • You only get one shot. Prepare to be resilient.
  • Don't give up
The event covered much more than this, but I think if I typed up all my notes, I'd just bore you to death, so I'll leave it there, but Red Magazine's coverage of the event can be found here and Adele also has tips for writers on her website.

Apparently 'Everyone has a book in them'. I know I have one in me somewhere. I just need to find the time to sit down and let it out...

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Huge thanks to the organisers and to Adele and Georgina Moore for making me feel so welcome.

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