Thursday, 31 May 2018

Review - The Intruder by P.S. Hogan

The Intruder by P.S. Hogan
Publisher: Random House UK
Release date: 31 May 2018
Back cover blurb: He has the key to hundreds of houses. Maybe even to yours. A gripping, sinister, deeply unsettling novel from the most sociopathic narrator of 2018. Meet Mr Heming... William Heming is an estate agent. He’s kept a copy of every key to every house he’s ever sold. Sometimes he visits them. He lets himself in when the owners are out. But what will happen if he gets caught? What will he do next?

I’m not going to lie, I found parts of this novel unnerving and perhaps a little unnecessarily so. But that could just be me...

William Heming is an Estate Agent. Nothing unusual about that I hear you say.

But William is different, he has always been different. He collects “things” from other people, things like letters, pens, small ornamental trinkets, things he knows they are unlikely to miss.

He also collects copies of keys for every house he has ever sold or worked on.

Not so usual after all.

William is a complex character, unlikeable one minute and charming the next. Readers will no doubt feel sympathy and revulsion for him in equal measure.

Following a troubled upbringing William’s private school education is cut short and his future takes a dramatic change after a particularly nasty incident.

This leads him to being taken on as a junior estate agent and seals his future well before he realises that he will never want to do anything else.

To say anything else would give too much away, and I don’t want to do that so I’ll just finish up by saying;

The Intruder is definitely different and I look forward (with some trepidation) to seeing what’s next up this authors sleeve!

The Intruder is available now via Amazon online and all good book shops.

Thank You to the publishers who sent me an advanced proof copy of this novel in exchange for an honest review.

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