Friday, 6 June 2014

Review: The Wrong Knickers by Bryony Gordon

The Wrong Knickers by Bryony Gordon
Publisher: Headline
Release date: 05 June 2014
Rating: *****
Back cover blurb: He dashes around his room letting out large huffs, as if taking me back to his flat and shagging me has actually turned out to be a bit of an inconvenience. 

And then he flings a pair of pink, silky knickers at me, which land on my lap, Agent Provocateur label side up, and he remarks to me, very casually, that those are pretty knickers. And it occurs to me that this is the only compliment he has paid to me since he woke up, and what's worse, it isn't even valid; it doesn't even belong to me. Because they are pretty, undoubtedly so, these silky size 8 knickers of sex. 

But while they are all of these things, they are most definitely not mine

The Wrong Knickers is an addictive read, from the opening pages of Bryony meeting 'the love of her life' in a nightclub, only for him to be a (very poor) one night stand, to the heartbreaking and uplifting final chapter.

Bryony leads us through her chaotic twenties with tales of dropping out of University, doomed relationships, drug taking, visits to STI clinics, and lots of alcohol.

From the hell of flat hunting in London, to the hell of Glastonbury Festival (Bryony is more your 'boy band' kind of girl).

Cocaine snorting, wine swigging Bryony is not someone I would usually be able to relate to. But whilst I have never taken drugs, I have consumed my fair share of alcohol in the past, and had my fair share of dodgy boyfriends.

This book made me realise that you don't necessarily have to have behaved in the exact same way as someone to identify with them.

Whether it's that one night stand you will always regret, failing to pay your rent on time, or just drinking too much, we have all done things in our twenties that we may look back on and regret.

Our twenties are sold to us as the best years of our lives, the years in which you'll find 'the perfect job; the lovely flat; the amazing boyfriend', but as Bryony demonstrates, the reality can be something of a shock.

I've seen some really negative reviews about this book, and I honestly don't think that any of them are justified. We are all entitled to our own opinions, but I think Bryony writes really well, and I certainly enjoyed the book.

I would go so far as too say that any female who is heading into their thirties, or even already there, would be able to identify with this book, and I urge you to give it a chance.

But I do think my twenties were quite dull in comparison...!
The Wrong Knickers is available now from Amazon online and all good book shops.
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Thank you to the publishers who sent me an advanced reading copy in exchange for an honest review.

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